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മൂക്കന്നൂർ MAGJ ആശുപത്രിയുടെ 72 -മത് ഹോസ്പിറ്റൽ ഡേ ആഘോഷവും NABH അക്രെഡിറ്റേഷൻ സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് അനാച്ഛാദനകർമവും സംയുക്തമായി വിവിധ കലാപരിപാടികളോടുകൂടി നടത്തി.
+91 4842674325

+91 4842674300

+91 8086194300

+91 8943730000


Modern day Physiotherapy techniques provides services that improve, maintain and restore optimum movement and functional abilities of human body. A professional physiotherapist can help patients at any stage of life achieve their functionality, relieve pain, improve flexibility and lead a worry free life, be at sports performance, age related problems, or even daily work life.
We at MAGJ Orthosports & Rehab, use latest physiotherapeutic modalities (machines) as well as proper knowledge of movement science (Kinetics) for the overall wellbeing of each patient tailored to meet individual needs. With special reliance of exercise medicine, each patient can continue treatment trails at home after initial guidance by our expert therapists.
Our Physiotherapy Department provide evidence based rehabilitation for arthroscopic procedures like ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, Meniscus, rotator cuff, glenoid labral repairs as well as joint replacement surgeries such as Total and Hemi arthroplasty of hip, total knee replacement and specialized spine procedures like discectomy, instrumentation, scoliosis, and all other types of orthopedics fracture fixation.
Our experts are also well equipped for neurological (post CVA/Stroke, paraplegia, hemiplegia, nerve palsy, motor/sensory neuropathies) cardiac and gynecological (prenatal and postnatal) rehab and management.

We Treat
Neck and Back pain
Shoulder pain , Knee pain & Other orthopedic problems
Sports injuries
Postural problems
Impaired mobility
Geriatric problems
Neurological conditions- stroke , Parkinson’s , spinal cord injuries , multiple sclerosis
Rehabilitation following cardiac surgery
pediatrics – cerebral palsy, developmental delay, erb’s palsy
Women’s health (antenatal and postnatal exercise)

Facilities and Services
Electrotherapy (IFT , TENS , Ultrasound , Russian current , NMES , IRR )
Moist heat therapy
Exercise Therapy ( CPM , Strengthening and therapeutic exercise programmes , theraband, , physio ball)
Cervical and lumbar traction
Manual therapy, trigger point therapy and myofascial release


Jenson Paulose

MPT (Musculo-skeletal & Sports), FIFA Dip. In Football Medicine



Orthopedics Dentistry Pediatrics Obstetrics & Gynaecology Pathology Physiotherapy